אדם לאדם - אדם אדם לאדם - אדם
חיפושדלג על חיפוש
    חדשנות וטכנולוגיה במרכז הרפואי לגליל
    תוכן מרכזי בעמודדלג על תוכן מרכזי בעמוד

    פרסומים מדעיים:

    • Subconscious passive learning of CPR techniques through TV medical drama.  Eisenman A, Rusetski V, Zohar Z, Avital D, Stolero J.  JEPHC 2005;3:issue 3  
    • Can popular TV medical dramas save real life?
      A Eisenman, V Rusetski, Z Zohar, D Avital, J … - Med Hypotheses, 2005
    • Are all troponin assays equivalent in the emergency department
      A Eisenman, V Rusetski, D Avital, J Stolero, T … - Singapore Med. J, 2005
    • Troponin assays for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction and acute coronary syndrome: where do we stand?…
      A Eisenman - Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 2006
    • Unusual Delayed Manifestation of a Penetrating Chest Trauma
      A Eisenman, A Vasan, L Joseph, D Aravot - European Journal of Trauma, 2006
    • Emergency Care Under Fire and Underground in Nahariya : A Personal Narrative. Eisenman A, ISRJEM  2006;6:5-9
    • The importance of CPR training for assessing the knowledge and skills of hospital medical and nursing personnel. Farah R, Stiner E, Zohar Z, Eisenman A, Zveibil F. Harefuah. 2007 Jul;146(7):529-33, 574. Hebrew
    • Role of the Boussignac    Continuous Positive Pressure Mask in the Emergency Department Eisenman A, Rusetski V, Sharivker D, Avital D.. Isr J Em Med 2008;8:6-11
    • An odd pilgrim in the holyland. Eisenman A, Rusetski  V, Sharivker D, Yona Z, Golani D. AJEM 2008;26:383.e36.

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