אדם לאדם - אדם אדם לאדם - אדם
חיפושדלג על חיפוש
    חדשנות וטכנולוגיה במרכז הרפואי לגליל
    תוכן מרכזי בעמודדלג על תוכן מרכזי בעמוד

    רשימת פרסומים של מנהל המחלקה


    Name:   Professor GERSHON VOLPIN
    Identity Card:  0557620-2 
         Date and place of birth:  11.11.1946, Israel.


    1987: Prize of  SICOT-  Society Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopaedique  et de     
    Traumatologie. 1987, for an Excellent Basic Research on the Process of Fracture Healing.

    1992: Prize of the Israel Society of Sport Medicine. 1992 - Traveling Fellowship.

    1992 One of Our Paper about Comminuted  Fracture of the Distal Radius (Horesh Z., Volpin G., Hoerer D. Stein H.: The Surgical   Treatment Of Severe Comminuted Intraarticular Fractures Of The Distal Radius With The Small AO   External Fixation  Device (Clin Orthop Rel Res 263:147, 1991) Was Selected For Publication in The 1992 Year book of Hand Surgery

    2003 Honorary Membership of the Macedonian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

    2005 Appointed as "PROFESSOR HONORIS CAUSA"  by the  SS.Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,  Macedonia   (Fr Yugoslavia)
    2005 Elected as an "Outstanding Excellent Lecturer" by Medical Students  of the Technion Medical faculty, Haifa, Israel

    2005 Appointed as Israel National Representative of EFORT– European Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

    2005 Appointed by the Israeli Orthopaedic Association  as organizer of “Basic Science Courses  On General Surgery, Orthopaedic surgery and Traumatology” for  residents in Orthopaedic Surgery

    2006 Appointed as Israel National Representative of SICOT – International Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

    2006 Elected as the Chairman of the Council of the Israeli Orthopaedic Association (I.O.A).

    2007 Appointed  by the European Federation of  Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) as Organizer and Chairman of a Symposium on the Subject of 
    “The Challenge of Stress Fractures”

    2007 Elected as an "Outstanding Excellent Lecturer" by Medical Students  of the Technion Medical faculty, Haifa, Israel

    2007 Honorary Membership of the Bulgarian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

    2008 Honorary Membership of the Serbian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

    2008 Appointed as a member of the trauma committee of the International Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SICOT)

    2008 Elected again as the Chairman of the Council of the Israeli Orthopaedic Association (I.O.A).

    2009 Invited by the European Federation of  Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) to write a book chapter  on the subjects of  "Nonunion of Fractures" and "Malunion of Fractures" in the EFORT Textbook of Orthopaedic Surgery  (Editor: Prof George Bentley).
    2009 Appointed by the International Orthopaedics Journal as a corresponding member of the Editorial board

    2010 Appointed by the Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research  Journal as a corresponding member of the Editorial board

    2010 Appointed as a Member of the Organizing Committee of the 1s Mediterranean Trauma Congress





    Electron Microscopic Studies for the Localization of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Experimentally Produced Callus.

    This basic research was performed under the supervision of Dr. CD. Salomon, from the Department of Anatomy and Histology, "Hadassah" Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel (1969-1970). It was presented at the 9th Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Sciences in Israel, Haifa, 1971.

    PUBLISHED PAPERS  (75 papers):

    Basic Research (20):

    1. Salomon CD and Volpin G.: Fine structure of bone resorption in experimental  
    Osteoporosis caused by calcium deficient diet in rats. An electron   
    Microscopic study of compact bone. 
    Calc. Tiss. Res.  (Suppl). 4: 80-82, 1970.

    2. Salomon CD and Volpin G.: Changes in the structure of collagen fibers and mitochondria during bone resorption due to calcium deficient diet in rats. Microscopic Electonique. pp. 867 - 868. 1970.

    3. Salomon CD and Volpin G.:  Ultrastructural aspects of disintegrating fibrils in osteoporotic bones.   Israel J. Med. Sci. 7: 485 -488, 1972.

    4. Salomon CD and Volpin G.:  The effects of calcium  deficient diet on  
    Breaking strength and other physical parameters of rat bones.            
    Clin. Orthop. 82: 207-213, 1972.

    5. Salomon CD , Volpin G. and Ornoy A.: Effect of  thyrocalcitonin on
    Metatarsal bones of   normal and calcium deficient young bones.
    Israel J. Med. Sci. 9; 199-202,   1973.

    6. Volpin G., Oliver S., and Katznelson A: Rheumacrodex in the prevention of   thromboembolic complication following total hip replacement. 
    Harefuah 91: 213-215, 1976.

    7. Volpin G., Oliver S., Nerubay J., Zinman H. Katznelson A:  The fat embolism syndrome. Harefuah 92: 503-505, 1977.

    8. Volpin G. and Salomon CD.: Effects of calcium deficient diet on the metatarsal bones of rats of different ages. Israel J. Med. Sci. 14:379, 1978.

    9. Volpin G., Bass A., and Adar R. The air embolism.
    Harefuah 98: 27-30, 1980.

    10. G. Volpin, JA Rees, SY Ali, and G. Bentley: Distribution  of alkaline  
     Phosphatase activity in experimentally produced callus in rats.
     J. Bone Joint Surge. [Br]. 68-B:  629-634, 1986.

    11. Sayers DCJ, Volpin G. and Bentley G.: The demonstration  of  bone and 
    Cartilage using   Alcian-Blue and Hematoxylin. Stain Technology 63, (1): 59-64, 1988.

    12. A. Ben-Ari, G. Volpin, J. Sela, M. Silbermann, H. Stein:  An external fixation    
    Device for fixation of experimental fractures. J. Orthop. Surg. Tech. 6:47-54, 

    13. Volpin G., Nierenberg G., Obeid S., Lenger R., Stein H: Photoplethysmographic  Evaluation of the Function of the  Autonomic Nervous  System : J. Orthop. Surg. Tech.  1995:9; 65-71.

    14. Reznick A., Volpin G... Ben Ari H., Silbermann M., Stein H:  Biochemical and  
    morphological studies on rat skeletal muscles following prolonged   
    Immobilization of the knee joint by external fixation and plaster cast.
    Europ. J. Exp. Musculoskeletal Res. 4:69-76, 1995.

    15. Nierenberg G, Volpin G., Lenger R., Stein H:  Autonomic changes in patients
    With ulnar neuropathy as reflected by photoplethysmogrsphy. Internet J. Orthop. Surg, 1996; 3:1-3.

    16. Zarhevsky N., Coleman R., Volpin G.,  Fuchs D., Stein H., Reznick Z.: Muscle  recovery after immobilization by external fixation. J. Bone Jt  Surg (British edition) 1999;81B: 896-901

    17. Cohen I., Lobrant N., Goldfeld M., Volpin G:  Cytological diagnosis of primary 
    leiomyosarcoma of Bone.  Diagnostic Cytology, 25:239-243, 2001.

    18. Carmeli E., Reznick A., Coleman R., Volpin G., Zarzhevsky N:  Biochemical and Histochemical  Study of Hind Limb Muscles of Aged Rats after Immobilization and Remobilization.   Biology of sport 18:22-31, 2001.

    19. Shtarker H., Volpin G., Stolero J., Kaushanski A., Samchukov M: Correction of  
    Combined Angular and Rotational Deformities by Ilizarov Method. Clin Orthop Rel Res, 2002: 402:184-195.

    20. Munichor M., Cohen I., Volpin G., Kerner V. Iancu I: Chromium Induced Lymph  
    Node Histiocytic Proliferation After Hip Replacement; Diagnosis By Fine Needle 
    Aspiration, Electron Microscopy, and Energy Dispersive X-Rays Analysis.
    Acta Cytologica; The Journal of Clinical Cytology and Cytopathology.
    2003: 47(2):270-274



    Clinical Research (55):

    1. Volpin G., Altman G., Katznelson A., and Oliver S.   Pasteurella Multocida infections following dog and cat bites. Harefuah 93: 13-15, 1977.

    2. Katznelson A., Oliver S., Nerubay J., Volpin G., Lin E.:  The Gluteal Skyline. 
    A diagnostic sign in sciatica.  Harefuah 94: 309-310, 1978.

    3. Sacked I., Volpin G., and Kosary I.: Diagnosis and treatment of spinal epidural abscess.  Harefuah 94: 339-341, 1978.

    4. Nerubay J., Volpin G., Oliver S., and Katznelson A.  Spinal epidural abscess following epidural anesthesia.   Harefuah 94: 341-342, 1978.

    5. Ganel A., Haronson Z., Volpin G., Engel J., Farin I:  Carpo metacarpal joint  dislocation. Harefuah 94: 374-375, 1978.

    6. Steinbach T., Volpin G.: Management and treatment of  Meromelias      
    (Congenital amputations of limbs). Harefuah 95: 151-153, 1978.

    7. Zinman H., Volpin G., Militiano J., Nerubay J.,  Oliver S., & Katznelson A.:  
    Acute rupture of the lateral ligaments of the ankle joint. Diagnosis and    
    surgical treatment. American Surgeon 45: 465-470, 1979.

    8. Volpin G., Nerubay J., Oliver S., Katznelson A:    Synovial osteochondromatosis of the shoulder joint.  American Surgeon 46: 422-424, 1980.

    9. Sacked I., Tadmor R., Volpin G., and Ory A.:  Aneurysmal  bone cyst of a      
    vertebral body with acute paraplegia.  Paraplegia 19: 294-298, 1981.

    10. Katznelson A., Volpin G., and Linn E.: Tension band  wiring for fixation of comminuted fractures of the  distal radius. Injury, 12: 239-242, 1981.

    11. Nerubay J., Oliver S., Volpin G., and Katznelson A.   Segmental resection of the femoral shaft.  Orthop. Rev. 16 (10): 755-763, 1987

    12. Volpin G., Petronius G., Hoerer D., and Stein H.:    Lower limb pain and    
    disability following excessive physical activity. In: Sport Injuries.
    Editor, G. Mann, Freund Publishing House Ltd. London. P. 171-183, 1988.

    13. Weisz, I., Volpin, G., Bialik, V., Fishman, J., Stein.H:   School screening for    
     Symptomless spinal deformities.  Med. Sci. Res. 16: 729 -730, 1988.

    14. Volpin G., Milgrom C., Goldshar D., Stein H.: Stress  fractures of the sacrum    
    Following strenuous activity.   Clin Orthop Rel Res 243:184-188, 1989.

    15. Volpin G., Petronius G., Hoerer D., and Stein H:  Lower  limb pain and           
     disability following strenuous activity.   Military Medicine. 154:294-297, 1989.

    16. Volpin G.: Fracture de fatigue du sacrum. Abstract   Rhumato 46:19, 1990.

    17. Volpin G., Langer R., Stein H: Complete Infra-Clavicle   Brachial plexus         
     injury with occlusion of axillary  vessels following anterior dislocation of  the   
     Shoulder.   J Orthop. Trauma, 4(2):121-123, 1990.

    18. Volpin G., Dowd GSE., Stein H., Bentley G.: Degenerative arthritis following intraarticular fractures of the knee. Long term results.  J. Bone Joint Surg.  
    72-B: 634-638, 1990.

    19. Stein H, Volpin G, Horesh Z, Hoerer D.: Cast or External   fixation of fractures  of the distal radius.  A prospective study of 126 cases. Acta Orthop Scand
    61(5):453-456, 1990.

    20. Volpin G., Hoerer D, Groisman A, Zaltzman S, Stein H:   Stress fractures of the 
    Femoral neck following strenuous activity. J Orthop Trauma 4:394-398, 1990.

    21. Bialik V,  Volpin G, Jerushalmi J, Stein H: Sonography in  the diagnosis of  
    painful hips. International Orthopaedics 2:155-159, 1991.

    22. Horesh Z., Volpin G., Hoerer D. Stein H.: The surgical   treatment of severe    
    comminuted intraarticular fractures of the distal radius with the small AO
    external fixation  device. Clin Orthop Rel Res 263:147, 1991.

    23. Volpin G., Kleinhouse U., Berant M., Bialik V.:  Osteomyelitis of the femoral    
    Neck caused by a pencil stab wound (case report). Europ. J. Pediat. Surg   
    2:122-124, 1992.

    24. Nierenberg G, Volpin G., Bialik V., Stein H.:  Pelvic  fractures in children.
    A follow up in 20 children treated conservatively.
    J. Pediat. Orthop. 1:140-142, 1993.

    25. Stein H., Volpin G. Shapira D., Snir E., Eidelman S.:    Musculoskeletal   
    Manifestations of Crohn's disease.   Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis. 53(1):17-20, 1993.

    26. Hoerer D., Volpin G., Stein H:  Results of early and delayed surgical fixation    
    of hip fractures in the elderly: a comparative retrospective study.   Bull. Hosp.  
    Joint Dis. 53(1):29-33, 1993.

    27. Volpin G., Krivoy N., Stein H.: Acinetobacter osteomyelitis of the femur.
    A late sequella of unrecognized body implantation in a compound war injury.
    Injury 24:345-346, 1993.

    28. Volpin G., Har Shai Y., Stein H:  The superior approach to the shoulder joint
    J. Orthop. Surg.  Tech. 1995:1-2; 27-30.

    29. Volpin G., Har Shai Y., Stein H.: Modified deltopectoral approach for capsular shift procedures of the shoulder joint. J. Orthop. Surg. Tech. 1995:1-2; 67-70.

    30. Volpin G., Stahl S, Stein H:  Impingement syndrome following direct injuries  
    of the shoulder joint.   Harefuah, 1996:130:244-248

    31. Stahl S., Yarnitzki D., Volpin G., Fried A: Conservative therapy in carpal
    tunnel syndrome. Harefuah 1996:130; 241-244.

    32. Assalia A., Volpin G., Engel A., Hashmonai M., Stein H,  Schein M.: Psoas   
    muscle abscess associated with pyogenic sacroileitis. The European Journal of Surgery.  1996:162:415-417.

    33. Volpin G., Horesh Z. Stein H: “Minimal Osteosynthesis”; A New Concept in  
    the Surgical Treatment of Humeral Head and Neck Shoulder Fractures. Harefuah.  1996:131:197-201.

    34. Volpin G., Grimberg B., Daniel M:  Dislocation of Charnely hip prosthesis  
    With complete displacement of the femoral stem. J. Bone Jt Surg.  1997;79B:

    35. Volpin G., Stein H:  Surgical treatment of comminuted fractures of the proximal humerus. Lo Scalpello (Italian J Orthop Traum), 11:2, 141-145, 1997.

    36. Bentur Y., Shupak A., Ramon R., Abramovich A., Volpin G., Stein H., Krivoi N:
    Hyperbaric oxygen treatment therapy for cutaneous soft tissue zygomycosis complicating diabetes mellitus.   Plast. Reconst. Surg.  1998; 102 (3):822-824.

    37. Said R., Volpin G.,  Grimberg B., Friedstrom SR., Lefler E., Stahl S:
    Hand infections due to non cholera vibrio after Tilapia Zillii (St Peter's fish)  injuries. J. Hand Surgery, 23B:808-810, 1998.

    38. Shtarker H., Volpin G., Lerner A., Stein H.,  Wientrroub S., Hendel D: The Ilizarov Technique of Reconstructive Surgery.  A  Powerful  Tool For           Correction of Complex Problems of  the Musculoskeletal  System
    Harefuah 1999:136:182-190.

    39. Volpin G, Said R, Simri W, Grimberg B, Daniel M: Nerve palsy following  
     prolonged use of a tourniquet due to limb injury.  Harefua, 136, 352-54, 1999.

    40. Varkel V, Volpin G, Ben-David B, Said R, Grimberg B, Simon K, Soudry M:                                              
    Intraarticular fentanyl compared with morphine for pain relief following     
    arthroscopic knee surgery.  Can J Anaesth; 46(9):867-71, 1999.

    41. Ben David B, Frankel R, Arzumonoy T, Marchevsky Y, Volpin G: Minidose bupivacaine fentanyl spinal anesthesia  for surgical repair of hip
    fractures in the aged.  Anestesiology, 2000, 92(1):6-10.

    42. Stahl S.,  Frieman S.,  Volpin G.:  Anterior interosseous nerve palsy associated  
    with Galeazzi fracture.    J Pediat Orthop 2000, 9 (1): 45-46.

    43. Ben David B., Gurevitch A.,  Solosko D., Frankel R., DeMeo PJ., Volpin G:    
    A Comparison of Minidose Lidocaine Fentanyl and Conventional Dose Lidocain  
    Spinal Anesthesia for Ambulatory Patients.   Anesth. Analg. 2000:91(4):865-870.

    44. Tsur A., Volpin G:  A Late Paraplegia Diastematomyelia.  IMAJ  2000:2;944-945

    45. Lerner A., Stein H., and Stolero J, Volpin G: Unusual penetrating hand Injuries due to underwater fishing harpoons.  Orthopaedics,24:385-387, 2001

    46. Stein H, Volpin G, Weisz I, Hoerer D:  Vascularized Muscle Pedicle Graft for Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head.  Orthopedics Hyperguide, Nov 2001

    47. Stein H, Weisz I, Hoerer D, Volpin G: Vascularized Muscle Pedicle Graft for   osteoecrosis of the Femoral Head.  Orthopedics, 2002: 25:485-488.

    48. Zohar Z., Waksman I., Stolero G., Volpin G., Sacagio E., Eytan A:   Injury From   
    Fireworks and Firecrackers During Holidays.  Harefuah 2004:143:698-701.

    49. Tsur A., Loberant N., Volpin G:  Simple Imaging Techniques For Fitting a Below        
    Knee First Time Prosthesis.   IMAJ 2004:6/; 783-784.

    50. Stein H., Braun Y., Volpin G.:   Low back pain. Orthopedics 2006; 29:229-231.

    51.  Volpin G, Shtarker H, Oliver S, Katznelson A,  Stahl S: Osteoid Osteoma of The 
     Wrist Joint Resembling Tenosynovitis.   Harefuah,  2006, 145::885-888

    52. Volpin G, Hassan K., Haller D., Shtarker H:  Limb Factures in Organ Transplanted Patients.  Harefuah, 2006:145; 904-907. 

    53  G. Volpin:  Unicompartmental knee replacement for localized osteoarthritis of the              medial or lateral condyles IMAJ  2009:11;308-310.

    54  M. Falach, G. Nierenberg, M. Soudry,  Hayden M,  G. Volpin
    Treatment of articular cartilage lesions of the knee. International Orthopaedics 2010:34;621-630   (2010 Feb 18. Epub ahead of print).

    55 G. Volpin, A. Gorski, H. Shtarker, N. Makhoul: Fat Embolism Syndrome  Following Injuries and Limb Fractures   Harefuah   2010:149;304-308  

    Papers in press (1)

    1. A. Tsur , F. Kariany, A. Galin, G. Volpin:  Use habits of prosthesis in patients who 
       underwent below-knee amputation.   Harefuah 2010


    Book Chapter 

    1. H. Shtarker,  G. Volpin: 
       Acute Trauma Applications  in:  Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction Surgery
       Edited by S. Robert Rozbruch, & Svetlana Ilizarov,, Informa Healthcare,
       New York 2007 p 69-78.  





     1995: Italian Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, (Genova 1995). (A member of the Scientific Committee).
    Lecturing on the subject of "Surgical treatment of comminuted fractures of the proximal humerus". The paper was published in Lo Scalpello (Ital.J. Orthop. Trauma) 11:2,141-145, 1997.

    Instructional Course of Israeli Orthopaedic Association, Tel Aviv.
    Lecturing on the subject of “Fractures of the Ankle Joint”.

            1996: Portugal Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, (1996).
     (A member of the faculty of the shoulder surgery course).
     Five plenary lectures on the following subjects of shoulder surgery:

     1. Surgical Approaches & Diagnostic Imaging Techniques in Shoulder Pathology.

     2. Impingement Syndrome Following Direct Injuries of the Shoulder Joint.

     3. The Surgical Treatment of Humeral Head And Neck Shoulder Fractures.

     4. Modified Neer's Capsular Shift Procedures in Patients With Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Dislocation.

     5. Surgical Treatment of Rotator Cuff Pathology.

            1997: Instructional Course of Israeli Orthopaedic Association, Tel Aviv.
    Lecturing on the subject- “The Outcome in the Elderly Following Surgical Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures”.

            1998:   The AO International Instructional Course, Tel Aviv Lecturing on the subject of “Surgical Treatment of Rotator Cuff Pathology”.

            1999:   Israeli Society of Traumatology - Annual Meeting, Naharyia.
    Lecturing on the subject- Treatment of Complex Fractures of Long Bones.

            2000:   Cyprus; Instructor of the Advanced A-O Course of Fracture Fixation. The A-O  Jubilee Course for the Middle East Region, Paphos, Cyprus, 8-11  April 2000.

    2000:   Macedonian Society of Surgery and Traumatology, : 26-27 April 2000 (2 guest lectures):

     1. Stress Fractures of the Lower Limb Following Excessive Physical Activity.

     2. Limb Salvage in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Surgery For Lower Limb Infections.

    2000:     International Congress of  Surgery and Traumatology - Macedonia 
      (A guest lecture- 2-3 October  2000):
    “Results of Different Surgical Treatment Modalities of Fractures of the Proximal Huerus”.

    2001: Israeli Orthopaedic Society, Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv:
    Lecturing on the Subject of “Minimal Invasive Surgery For Fractures of the Proximal Humerus”.

    2002: International Congress of  Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology – Macedonia (3 guest lectures- 15-17/5/02):

     a. “Capsular Shift Procedures in Athletes With Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of  The Shoulder”

     b. “The Importance Of Early Operative Treatment in Elderly With Hip Fractures”

     c. “Arthroscopic Suture of Detached Menisci of  The Knee”

    2003: Israeli Orthopaedic Society, Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv:
    Lecturing on the subject of "Limb Saving Procedures in Diabetic Patients With Foot Infections"

    2004: Israeli Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Annual Meeting, Apr 2004 Lecturing on the subject of "Intraarticular Fractures of the Glenoid"

    2004: Macedonian Society of Surgery and Traumatology,   Oct 2004  
    Two guest lectures on the subjects of:

        a. "Treatment of Fractures of the Humerus by Retrograde
              Intramedullay nail (Halder System)”.

        b. “Fixation by Minimal Invasive Surgery of Fractures of the  
             Proximal Humerus
    2004: International Congress of the International Society of Musculoskeletal System (ISMUS),  Macedonia Oct 2004–12–02 Lecturing on
    "The use of ultrasonography in children with painful irritable hip.

    2005:  Clinical Conference, University Hopital,  Macedonia
     Two guest  lectures- 15-17/3/05:

     a. “Retrograde Fixation of Fracture of the Femur”

    b. “Hemiarthroplasty of the Shoulder Following Comminuted   
          Fractures in Elderly”

    2005     SICOT Congress, Istanbul, Turkey:
       Treatment of Fractures of the  Humerus by the Retrograde Halder 
        Humeral Nail.

    2006     SICOT Congress,  Prague, Czech Republic 
        “Hospital Under fire; The  Experience of the Western Galilee  
        Hospital, Nahariya, Israel”

    2006   MSD Congress, Royal Hotel, the Dead Sea, Nov 2006.
      The  Experience of the Western Galilee  Hospital, Nahariya, Israel    
      During the Second Lebanon War"

    2006    The Annual IOA Meeting, Dec 2006:  “Hospital Under fire; The   
       Experience of the Western Galilee,  Hospital, Nahariya, Israel”
    2007    EFORT Congress, Florence, Italy
        a. Chairman of a Symposium on “The Challenge of Stress Fractures”

        b. Lecture on the subject of “Unusual Location of Stress Fracture  
             Following Strenuous Activity”
    2007    BOTA (Bulgarian Orthopedic and Trauma Association
    a. Treatment of Fractures of the Proximal Humerus

         b.  Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears

    2007     Clinical Conference,   Englewood's Medical Center, New Jersey, USA
        “Hospital Under fire; The  Experience of the Western Galilee  
         Hospital, Nahariya, Israel”

    2007     MSD Congress, Royal Hotel, the Dead Sea. Nov 2007
        Updates in the Management of Hip Fractures in the Elderly  

    2008     SOTA  (Serbian Orthopedic and Trauma Association)
         Use of Vacuum Assisted-Closure Device in Treatment of Diabetic,   
          Ischaemic  and  Post Traumatic Wounds of the Extermities

        SICOT Congress, Hong Kong 2008
        The  Experience of the Western Galilee  Hospital, Nahariya, Israel    
        During the Second Lebanon War"

    2008     MSD Congress, Royal Hotel, the Dead Sea. Nov 2008
        Venous Thromboembolism Following Total Hip an Total Knee  

    2008     IOA Meeting, Jerusalem December  2008
        Periprosthetic fractures following total hip replacement.
    2009    SICOT MEETING, Poland May 2009:
    a. Treatment of Polytraumatized Patients.
    b. The Use of external Fixators in the Treatment of Fractures of  Long Bones
    c. Treatment of Comminuted fractures of the Ankle Joint.
    2009     Bulgarian Orthopaedic Society Meeting, May 2009
    a. Minimal Invasive Surgery of Shoulder Fractures
    b.   Minimal Invasive  Techniques of Retrograde Nailing of Femoral
           Fractures  In  Patients  With  Various   Pathologies 
     c.   Arthroscopic Assisted Ilizarov External Fixation of Severe  
           Comminuted Intra-articular Knee Fractures.

    2009     Macedonian Congress of Orthopaedis and Traumatology May 2009
        a .  The Importance of Early Surgical Treatment of Hip Fractures In The                  
    b. Surgical Treatment of Comminuted Fractures of The Glenoid of The   
    c. The  Use of  Retrograde  Femoral  Nails  (D.F.N)  For Femoral                   
          Fractures  In  Patients  With  Previous  and Unrelated Pathologies of                
          The Femur and the Knee.

    2009    Invited Guest lectures for SICOT Meeting, Thailand, October 2009:
    a. Damage Control Orthopaedics in patients with Multiple Trauma
    b. Minimal Invasive Surgery for Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
    c. Treatment by Ilizarov sytem of Comminuted Pilon Fractures of the Ankle Joint

    2009    IOA Meeting, Tel Aviv 2009
       Damage Control Orthopaedics in Multiple Trauma  (nurses' program)

    2010    MSD Congress, Nazaret, Israel,  June 2010–07–17
       Treatment of Patients With Multiple Orthopaedic Injuries



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