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    Heart Center

    The Department of Cardiology is currently housed on the third floor of the Internal Medicine building of Western Galilee Hospital. The existing facility has become increasingly inadequate for the aging local population and the growing number of patients requiring urgent care, catheterizations, devices and stent procedures. The step-down unit is often over-crowded, with up to three patients per room. In addition, the department's monitoring equipment and beds, which are worn and outdated, require replacement. Due to lack of space, other ambulatory services offered by the Cardiology Department are scattered throughout the hospital, creating difficulty in providing efficient care, and hindering the optimal utilization of human and technological resources. The rise in demand for the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) also presents a challenging situation for the department.





    The new Department of Cardiology, covering 2,200 square meters, will allow the provision of high-level cardiac treatment and care in a centralized environment. This will eliminate the need to transfer patients across the hospital for treatments and services, and therefore minimize unnecessary risks.The site of the new department, a floor above the Emergency Department, will help expedite the treatment of patients arriving to the ED who are in need of urgent catheterization or other cardiac treatment. In addition, the new department will include a safe environment in the hospital's protected facility, specially designated for cardiac patients. Even during times of war and conflict, patients of the Department of Cardiology are assured secure, continuous care without having to be moved to temporary emergency facilities. This is a crucial factor in the successful outcome for patients with emergency and life-threatening cardiac illness.




    For more information: info@friendswgh.org.il 

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